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Supply Chain Technoeconomic Analysis

Idaho National Laboratory


Idaho National Laboratory has developed a range of tools to estimate the delivered cost of of feedstock to the reactor throat. This includes supply chain logistics and technoeconomic analysis using tools like the Biomass Logistics Model, and custom developed tools in software like Aspen accounting for biomass cost and energy costs for feedstock used in thermochemical and biochemical conversion pathways.

Capability Bounds

The modeling framework is capable of evaluating supply chain logistics and technoeconomic analysis from biomass supply to the reactor throat.

Unique Aspects

The models incorporate data from experimental results on equipment performance from research conducted in the BFNUF at INL.


Currently the modeling framework is flexible to incorporate a variety of system configurations depending on the scope of the research, requirements of the collaborators and funding agency.


Technoeconomic and supply chain evaluations are a key component for assessing biomass supply and delivered cost at a biorefinery to understand economic viability under different modeling assumptions and scenarios.

Capability Expert(s)

Yingqian Lin, Maria Herrera Diaz, Tasmin Hossain, Pralhad Burli


Cafferty, K. G., Muth Jr, D. J., Jacobson, J. J., & Bryden, K. M. (2013, August). Model based biomass system design of feedstock supply systems for bioenergy production. In International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference (Vol. 55867, p. V02BT02A023). American Society of Mechanical Engineers.
Wendt, L. M., Wahlen, B. D., Walton, M. R., Nguyen, J. A., Lin, Y., & Brown, R. M. (2021). Screening of alkali‐assisted storage conditions to define the operational window of deacetylation within storage systems in the bioenergy supply chain. Biofuels, Bioproducts and Biorefining, 15(6), 1888-1899.
Wendt, L. M., Wahlen, B. D., Walton, M. R., Nguyen, J. A., Lin, Y., Brown, R. M., & Zhao, H. (2022). Exploring filamentous fungi depolymerization of corn stover in the context bioenergy queuing operations. Food and Energy Security, 11(1), e333.
Kolapkar, S. S., Zinchik, S., Burli, P., Lin, Y., Hartley, D. S., Klinger, J., … & Bar-Ziv, E. (2022). Integrated torrefaction-extrusion system for solid fuel pellet production from mixed fiber-plastic wastes: Techno-economic analysis and life cycle assessment. Fuel Processing Technology, 226, 107094.

Contact Information

Regional Biomass Resource Hubs team

Regional Biomass Resource Hub Initiative