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Analysis and Sustainability Interface for Biomass and Waste Conversion

Pacific Northwest National Laboratory


The Analysis and Sustainability Interface offers integrated techno-economic (TEA) and life-cycle analysis (LCA) supports coupled to technology developers’ input and feedback, equipping them with data-driven insights to bridge the gap between biomass and organic waste resources and sustainable biofuel and bioproduct production. The interface employs a combined approach, utilizing established chemical process simulation tools (Aspen Plus, ChemCAD), classic economic analysis considering time value of money (discounted cash flow) and ISO 14040-compliant environmental impact assessment, facilitated by commercial software (OpenLCA, SimaPro, GREET) and databases (EcoInvent, Datasmar). This enables the comprehensive evaluation of key economic metrics (minimum biofuel/bioproduct selling price, net present value, payback period) and environmental burdens (global warming potential, ozone depletion, photochemical smog, terrestrial acidification, freshwater eutrophication). This interactive platform guides and tracks technology development, allowing researchers, industry partners and stakeholders to prioritize the most promising solutions with respect to cost reduction, GHG emission mitigation, and expedited commercialization. 

Capability Bounds

This Analysis and Sustainability Interface mainly focuses on the biomass and waste conversion technologies.

Unique Aspects

Flexibility in scope from early-stage concepts to high technology readiness levels; Support for decision-making; Pinpointing hotspots for cost and emission reductions; Identification of trade-offs between cost and emission; Improved communication for a more compelling argument for investment and adoption of sustainable technologies.


The Analysis and Sustainability Interface is available to both public and private sectors through the development of collaborative works scopes to meet the needs of partners and funding agencies.


The Analysis and Sustainability Interface supports a collaborative technology development hub, facilitating stakeholder engagement, data-driven decision making, and prioritizing solutions based on cost reduction, greenhouse gas emission mitigation, and expedite commercialization objectives.

Capability Expert(s)

Yuan Jiang, Shuyun Li, Steven Phillips, Francesca Pierobon, Peter Valdez, Tim Seiple, Craig Bakker

Contact Information

Regional Biomass Resource Hubs team

Regional Biomass Resource Hub Initiative