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Advanced Plant Phenotyping Laboratory (APPL)

Oak Ridge National Laboratory


The Advanced Plant Phenotyping Laboratory, or APPL, houses a unique greenhouse system at the US Department of Energy’s (DOE’s) Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) that is accelerating fundamental science investigations in bioenergy and agriculture. APPL uses robotics
and sensors to automatically move plants through multiple imaging stations for measuring, or phenotyping, plant growth, health, and traits such as drought tolerance over time. APPL measures plant characteristics using a broad spectrum of light from invisible ultraviolet to visible colors to infrared. APPL is one of the most diverse plant phenotyping systems in the world.

Capability Bounds

APPL features dynamic chlorophyll fluorescence imaging, thermal imaging, near-infrared camera, 3D plant modeling, hyperspectral imaging, and automated conveyance of plants for watering, weighing, and analysis.

Unique Aspects

APPL uses sophisticated cameras and lights to capture plant size, shape, composition, and function at the pixel level, extending measurements beyond what the human eye can see to create a digital twin of each plant.


APPL provides users with access to state-of-the-art plant phenotyping capabilities.

Capability Expert(s)

Gerald Tuskan

Contact Information

Regional Biomass Resource Hubs team

Regional Biomass Resource Hub Initiative