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Air emission and regulatory analysis for biorefinery designs

National Renewable Energy Laboratory


Obtaining the required permits is a crucial step in any major project, and it can potentially jeopardize the project’s timeline and even lead to the delay of a project. Developers of bioenergy projects consider the permitting process a major constraint in the deploying and scaling up new biorefineries. We leverage process designs to quantify potential-to-emit (PTE) of regulated air pollutant emissions (criteria air pollutants and hazardous air pollutants) and assess the applicability of air regulations to help developers understand air permitting implications. These analyses provide needed information to speed up the process of obtaining permits and reduce investment risks.

Capability Bounds

Emission estimation and air regulatory analysis for various biorefinery designs, co-processing of bio-based intermediates such as bio-oil in existing petroleum refineries.

Unique Aspects

1) Inform biorefinery designs to ensure required air emission controls are taken into account. 2) assess how integrating additional emission controls may affect minimum fuel selling price. 


We can perform analysis for both public and private funded projects. 


Reduce investment risks and expedite permitting process

Capability Expert(s)

Arpit Bhatt, Yimin Zhang

Contact Information

Regional Biomass Resource Hubs team

Regional Biomass Resource Hub Initiative